Stampin' Up! Trust God Banner and Canvas Creations wow!

Tale of a Stampin' Up! Demo's Husband

Stampin' Up! has been part of my...or should I say "our" lives going on seven years now.

And, the truth be husband is my biggest fan.  :)

There are many stories I can tell of this journey but last night and last week tops it all.

For Valentine's Day, I made my husband a mini book much like the one seen HERE but in a beautiful collection of designer paper in neutrals and metallics. Discover how to create one in this class!

He told me it was my best creation...ever!  How special... I love that man!

Not only did he take it to work to show off to everyone, he also showed it to my club ladies last night.  Just look at him...!!! He even used correct paper crafting terms and techniques in his description!

Love of my life...sharing my Stampin' Up! creation

I love how you can see our daughter being so attentive to her daddy. :)

And, here I am, just pleased as punch!

Happy and Blessed Stampin' Up! Demo :)

(Thanks to my friend and club member, Laurie, for the photos.)

Tomorrow is my love's birthday and you can bet I'll be trying to impress him with another Stampin' Up! creation.

Being the spouse of a Stampin' Up! demo is something he takes to heart, and loves to be included.  Just ask my club ladies. :)

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