Weekly Deals from Stampin' Up!
Makeover Monday- 2016 Mini Valentine Cards with Stampin' Up! Shine On Specialty Paper

Stampin' Up! Going Global and Watercolor Technique for Handmade Cards

Today's share is a video tutorial on a super easy watercolor background for handmade cards using the new Going Global set from Stampin' Up!

The artsy look of this technique really adds a beautiful look and it's so special...no two will ever look the same!

Let's take a look at the how-to for the video tutorial below or you can find it here on You Tube!



  • Play with color when trying this technique!  Try yellow and orange hues for a completely different look.
  • Speed up drying process with your Heat Tool.  If the watercolor paper "warps" a bit, turn it over to heat the backside then gently straighten or place beneath a heavy book.
  • This background technique works for any set.  Try embossing a beautiful sentiment to use as your card front.

Here are the Stampin' Up! supplies used in this project!

Product List

 Give this technique a try and see just how much fun it is to create beautiful watercolor backgrounds for your handmade cards!


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