Add a 3D Effect on Your Handmade Cards
Time's Running Out!

Another Fun Fold Card - Diamond Fold

IMG_3741This fun fold card is called the diamond fold and it is so much fun to make!

It's easy to score and assemble and so cute for cards for the "littles".  This one is created with the image and sentiment from the Hippo Happiness Bundle.

Watch the video and then read on for some details...


Lisa's Inklings:

IMG_3740Below are the supplies for this cute project.  If you are looking for a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator, I would be so happy to serve you and will truly appreciate your business!

Product List


Image may contain: text that says 'Bonus are ending Days soon! EARN IN JULY, SPEND IN AUGUST STAMPIN'

Use this time to stock up on all the basic supplies you need (card stock, adhesives, etc.). Then beginning August 4th, reward yourself by getting something from your wish list from the new August to December Mini Catalog!


Are you ready to try this fun fold?  Make a diamond fold card for someone special and I'll bet you can't stop with just one!


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