A Back to School Project and Christmas In July!
Back-to-School Project-Handmade Gift Box for Crayons

Stampin' Up! 2021 Christmas Cards Featuring A Fun And Fancy Fold

Premiere-7-29Today we are celebrating Stampin' Up! Christmas in July with two cards (one with a fun and fancy fold) that will inspire you to get started now with your holiday crafting! 

With these two cards, you will see some product that is available as this video is published plus some sneak peeks of a couple of things to come in the August to December  2021 Mini Catalog that debuts next week1

Now grab yourself a drink, sit back, and enjoy the show!

This video was a Premiere video on YouTube which is a series that I hope you will watch every Thursday evening at 6 PM Central.  These videos will remain on YouTube if you aren't able to join us for the Premiere.  However, if you are able to join during the Premiere time, you can participate in the LIVE chat if you are signed in to your Google or Gmail account.  Come on and join us...it's fun! (Here is the first Premiere...just in case you missed it!)


Card #1 Details:


Stampin' Up! Supply List for Card #1:



Details for Christmas Card #2  with the Fun and Fancy Fold:

2021-stampin-up-christmas-card-twist-and-popStampin' Up! Supply List for Card #2:

Now you are ready to try this 2021 Christmas card with a fun and fancy fold so get your supplies and start creating!


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